Wednesday, April 28, 2010

saw this and got teary eyed.. it has a good ending.

I want a dog so much more now...

excuse me while I lift my jaw off the ground...

I just can't quit drooling over glass tile.
Is it not just the most eye catching thing you have ever seen?

I really need to stop hgtv
all I am really doing is punishing myself.
I am so obsessed with decorating and granted we have our own house
guitar hero is wanting to sell soon, so that means no dramatic designs
plus no wasting our money. I have a very bold design style
and I just can't wait to put it to use.
I am just hoping I won't have to wait too much longer,
my inspiration style folder is starting to overflow.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

baby talk..

It is unreal to me how fast babies grow up. It was just this past December I saw this cute little new born baby and less then months he has already changed so much. I hate that I don't I live close to my sis and nephew but thanks to the phone, facebook, and her blog I still feel like I get to keep up with this little rockstar's life. It was so funny the other day we are on the phone and I heard little Conner screaming in the background. I thought something bad had happened but my sis informed me that he had just discovered he had a voice and whenever she looks away from him, he beginnings to scream to get her attention and then starts giggling non-stop once he as her focus... too funny!

Speaking of babies, me and the guitar hero were at a cookout the other night and were surrounded by cute little kids and babies. I still can't believe that we are at that age now where all our friends are having kids and worrying about college funds, but I guess everybody comes to that point in their life. Even though we are no where near ready to have children or even talk of the idea we couldn't help but fall in love with one of the little boys at the cookout. Not only was he a super happy kid, he was memorized by guitar's. Every time he entered are room with a guitar he would crawl to it so fast and his eye's would blow up the size of balloons. He was so funny and cute to watch. Not to mention, watching guitar hero fall in love with this little boy and his excitement for guitar's. I think it got him excited at the idea a baby could love something as much as him and maybe got me a tad bit excited that I could give he something as special as a little boy to share his guitar passion's with.

When your bored and in love, nothing beats spending time together doing goofy photo booth pictures

P.S. Nothing like waking up and reading a rude anonymous comment... but just so you know anonymous you will NEVER rain on my parade so please waste your negative energy somewhere else. That's all and have a nice day : )

Monday, April 26, 2010

Can it be Fall already... I am so not digging the tornado weather.

I can not even begin to tell you how much I hate tornado weather
and what makes it even worse
is when guitar hero is on the road and I am left alone.

this whole weekend we were under warning
thankfully, we are ok and nothing too bad occurred other them some damaging winds.
but I feel awful for the people is Mississippi.

I have good news though...
Guitar Hero came home today
and we are just days away from our vacation.
I am happy about that.

How was everyone else's weekend?

Friday, April 23, 2010

weekend is here.

I am so glad weekend is here and I have a few days off.
It has been a busy week it feels like
and it is only getting busier, trying to plan for our vacation.
I am not complaining though : )

Just 11 more days until we hit the road!!!!

Hope everyone has a great and wonderful weekend
see you on Monday.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

No, this is not special effects..

Last night me and Guitar Hero walked in on
Mr. Fickle aka rodent
trying to catch a moth.

How he climbs on the top of the cabinets is beyond us,
but this was even more shocking.

Maybe we should sign him up for the circus?!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Randy Rogers Band

One of my all time favorite bands
is the Randy Rogers Band.
I was first introduced to them, my first month in Nashville.
They are a really big deal in Texas
but in our house they're just as huge!

we love them so much that we wanted to share a little piece of their music with you


weekend review.

long walks outside,
cat naps in the grass,
lunch by the lake,
honky tonk music on broadway,
back scratches in the morning,
olive garden in the evening,
and ending the weekend with some yummy dessert on the couch
and barefoot in the park in the dvd player....
weekends with guitar hero are just bliss.

Friday, April 16, 2010

I love this city...

Me and the Guitar hero are going to spend some time in our favorite city...

The warm weather has brought out the crowds
and we are going to join them

Have a fabulous weekend everyone!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Our Nashville Playground. Restaurants.... Mike's Ice Cream Shop

Mike's Ice Cream shop, located on Broadway
is an all time favorite of the guitar hero and me.

You will often find us in here right before a gig on a Friday and Saturday night.
It has the feel of a 50's joint with a 20's twist.
Don't plan on coming though and it being empty,
it is a for sure a hotspot for us locals.
Not only is the ice cream amazing but the chocolate chip cookies.. YUM!
and the smoothies.. DELICIOUS
O, and of course the coffee... AMAZING (I don't drink coffee.. but guitar hero loves it)

It's definitely worth a try when you come to town.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Where dreams come true...

We are going to DISNEY!!!
.. and the beach.

We have planned our little getaway.
and for those of you who know me or have been reading my blog awhile,
know just how much I love Disney.

This is really like a dream come true.
Disney, beach, guitar hero...

I want to thank you all for making us believe we could do Disney and on all the great tips.
Also, I have never wanted to go to D.C. more then I have now
so you can plan on us going there soon.
But after much debating back and forth, pro's and con's list, and thousand ways we could do the trips, we thought Florida would be best.

With guitar hero always on the go and our relationship
never getting quite time.. the beach sounded peaceful
and since Disney is not far away, we just have to drop by.

so, many, many thanks!

Now, only if May can arrive fast!!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

happy monday... and all that jazz!

I can not thank you enough for all you sweet comments
on helping us for this trip we are planning.

Y'all are so wonderful
and even though I never really mention it..
I do read each every one of your comments
and I am so thankful to have you all here.

That being said...
we are taking your advice and looking into a trip tonight.
Hopefully, by tomorrow we will have something planned.

So, stay tuned...

P.S. Isn't Mother Nature beautiful?!!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

We can't make up our minds... D.C. or Florida?

Me and My handsome Guitar Hero
are going on vacation.
The only problem is we can't make up our minds.
(actually I can't make up my mind)

Should we go to Florida... and if so, what part?
or to D.C.?

Do you all have fun ideas or tips of things to do at either of these places?
We really need it and would greatly appreciate it.
Our time is running out and we need to start booking soon!!!!

Looking forward to your suggestions!

images found here and here

Dear Thunderstorms,

You really creep me out. Mostly, in the night when I am all alone. But, I must say you bring the most beautiful walkways the next day, thanks to your powerful winds.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

Could it be the fashion, the cocktails, or maybe it's Aidan. Not sure, but whatever it is, I am so excited I can barely contain myself!

I love these girls for some many reasons
but mainly for keeping me company all those nights guitar hero is away.

I can NEVER get enough of them
and for those of you who are like me, you need to check this out...


Thursday, April 8, 2010

I hope to still be sitting on that same bench with you 40 to 50 years from now...

nothing like a nice walk,
followed by a little frozen drink and lake watching.

now, only if there was swimming involved.. just a few more months!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

before and after... our kitchen.

even though it still needs some work...
It really is amazing what a woman can do sometimes ; )

to see before and after pictures of our living room
click here

you're my favorite.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Our Nashville Playground. Things to see...The Hermitage.

If your ever in Nashville
you should check out the Hermitage.
It's the home of our 7th President Andrew Jackson.

they have a little movie, and museum to see.
Then you can walk up to the house that sits on the most beautiful land.
Not to mention there is a stunning garden and lots of little trails to take.

It's worth the time.


to see more of our little city, we call home
click here.

Monday, April 5, 2010

I once auditioned to be a playboy model and a disney princess, all within the same year...

When I wear my bangs, people always tell me how much I look like Zooey Deschanel (even though I had bangs way before she was famous). My favorite part of my body is my curves. I would not change them for the world and I would like to thank my grandma for those. I have never had braces, but only have one crooked tooth and me and my dad like to refer to it as my signature smile. When I have a tan, people often think I am foreign. I have been asked if I was French, Italian, and Mexican but when I stay away from the sun (which I have been trying to do lately) my skin gets as pale as snow white which comes from my mother's side. I once had the option to move to NYC or Nashville and even though NYC would have not cost me a dime for 6 months and I would have had a job from the day I got there, I still chose Nashville. The song "beauty school dropout" (from grease) totally applies to me and yet I am reconsidering going back to hair school. I pretend I am a lot stronger then I actually lead on (mostly, when guitar hero is away). There is so much black in my closest you would think I was trying to be the next Johnny Cash. I once told guitar hero, I never wanted to get married or date again but he still NEVER gave up on me, no matter how much I pushed him away (thank you, guitar hero and mom for talking him into staying around just a little bit longer).

My life has been has been a blessed one and most of the time I have made it what I wanted to be. I would not change my past, and I look forward to how my future will be, but for now this is me and all the things I have become. These are things that have shaped me into who I am now. It still might only be a tiny glimpse into what my life is and was but it is still a glimpse.

(old picture of me... from about 2 years ago)

More Easter Love...

Everything looks better in polka dots...

We dyed Easter Eggs this weekend.
Which, was a lot of fun, expect for the fact I am not very patient
and guitar hero wanted to leave them in over night!
NO WAY.. was I leaving it in overnight.
so, we settled and left them in for an hour
but I guess we put them in when the eggs were too hot
because some started to peel
Hey, I did say was wasn't patient... didn't I?!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Well hello, April!

I love you already, and you know why?
Because you bring me sunshine and guitar hero.
what else can a girl ask for?

You also, have been bringing lots of wind (notice the crazy hair) which is wonderful
for kite flying. I even think me and guitar hero might be testing out what you can give us with that and when we do, it might actually make me sound sane for singing the song, "let's go fly a kite, up to the highest height" instead of a fraud, since I have not flown a kite in many years and yet I can't get the song out of head (3 days and counting). So, with that welcome and your crazy winds. I look forward to see what your month brings us.
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