Monday, February 28, 2011


Recently, I have been very inspired going thru some of my old pictures and blogpost. So much that I have been itching to do more and take lots more pictures. I guess that is a good thing though, since I have been very uninspired lately.

Unfortunately right when my inspiration kicked in so did tornado weather. Thursday evening my neighborhood got hit pretty hard. Some say it was a tornado others say it was straight line winds. I am not sure what it was but it was scary and did lots of damage to lots of homes. Thankfully our home did not have a mark on it.... truly a blessing in my eyes after seeing the damage it did do to others. The only thing we had to deal with was being without power for 48hrs. Which is not fun at all but I will not complain.

Hopefully this weather will leave soon and we can have a couple of sunny days so I can get out of the house and do some things.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

what we have been doing.

There seems to be a lot of questions why I am not blogging and for some reason almost everyone who ask seems to think it has to do with Guitar Hero and me... no matter how many times I have said it doesn't. So here it is, what we have been doing...

Guitar Hero is working on lots of projects that have him working up to 12hrs in one day sometimes. Which leaves little time for us to do anything but just relax together (not interesting things to post about truth be told) On top of him just being away on tour. Which is why valentines did not have much of a post, nor new years, and lots of other post lately.

We also, have been trying to cut back on doing things so that we can save up money to get a new house. Something a little bigger that might be more welcoming for kids ONE DAY (now does that sound like we are having problems)

I am in the process of a new and exciting job that my aunt is opening up downtown (which I am not ready to talk about yet) On top of working the job I have now and learning some photography (hence why lots of my pictures have been more artistic then of me and guitar hero)

We have been talking of the idea of getting a second dog for our Encore to play with. Watching him play with the neighbors dog is the cutest thing ever and we want him to have full time playmate... just trying to decide when will be best for us to add another one.

There are just lots of little things I can talk about that have us busy. Most of it is just everyday life. I can not say enough how much I love blogging and how flattered I am that you all read my blog. However, sometimes other things just become more important. My blog has been put on the back burner a lot lately. I do not like that I have been doing that and I don't plan on leaving it. I just need a break sometimes, I need to be inspired but life is just ordinary for us right now and those things don't get me excited to blog.

As for me and Guitar Hero we are doing wonderful. He surprised me yesterday by saying he bought a plane ticket home early so that he can spend some extra time with me and my family while they are in town. What can I say...we are happy and granted we are not perfect and we have disagreements at times but nothing worth us giving up on.

Now, hopefully you all have a little more insight on our life right now and will finally understand that he is still my hero and I am still his princess and we are not planning on going anywhere away from this blog for a long, long time. We are just trying to focus on other things that have us blogging a little slowly these past few months.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Me and Guitar Hero.

I really do not know how to start this but here goes nothing....

Me and Guitar hero are wonderful... more then wonderful! Yes, I have been away a lot but this has nothing to do with me and Guitar Hero. I have said before he is busy. It's hard to explain because not living in the everyday music world you would not understand a lot of things he is doing if I told you (not trying to sound mean). I am so very, very, very happy for him but it has made him very busy. So most of our time is spent eating out to get a quick bite and time together or just sitting around watching movies just to relax... nothing much to post about.

Also, to be very honest I have been very private about a lot of things ever since we have been robbed if you notice. Not that the robbing had anything to do with my blog but since then I have been weirded out and being a girl who has a guy gone all the time, I think its best I keep things private now. I am sorry you all have been left out of the loop on a lot of things but really I can not say enough how much me and Guitar Hero are happy and still in love.

I love blogging but mainly for me and Guitar Hero. I did not start this blog for anybody but us to keep memories of our days together and apart. I love that you all are here and that you enjoy reading our post... but honestly, people assuming something is wrong with me and Guitar Hero is just sad.

I have even been debating on the fact of taking our blog private time and time again just so I can share more personal things on here for him and me. But I have decided to keep it public for you all and just blog more things that arn't as personal...

As for me, I am busy keeping up a household, two cats, a puppy (which is lots of work), a job, learning photography, and some other things not ready to post about yet.

I am truly sorry for not being around more but I hope you all understand a little better on my reasons why the blog has changed. I also, hope this post did not come off harsh... I just don't want to explain myself anymore.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Factory.

Here are some pictures I captured while me and Guitar Hero were at the factory. It's at the same place where you can find this.

I highly recommend everyone visiting this place if ever in Nashville. It has great food, great shops, and beautiful design. Not to mention an awesome antique mall that holds my dream floor mirror. All around this place gets and A+ in my books.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Two years ago today...

We took our friendship to another level
and now two years later...

We have a dog, 2 cats, a lovely home, many memories, and real love that keep us going.

Happy 2 years, Guitar Hero!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


There is just something about Franklin that has captured my heart. It must be the old charm, the unique character, and the one of a kind places that it has to offer. Every time me and Guitar Hero head over that way, I confess to him how much I love it there and dream of living on that side of town. Thankfully, he agrees that it would be amazing area to live but unfortunately it cost and arm and a leg just thinking of the idea of moving to Franklin. Somehow though I will live on that side of town with my sweet Guitar Hero and we will live our happily ever after spending time in charming little places like the one pictured here.

This is Saffire, it is a divine little restaurant with Johnny Cash paintings, pretty architecture, mixed match chairs, old wooden tables and a menu to drool over! I am serious, the food was so good that I forgot to take pictures and then fastly realized after I was done eating there was nothing to capture. O, well... I guess that it just shows how good it was.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

I would just like to say I really, really love this man!

(picture taken a few months ago for Christmas from our good friend Robin Baker)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My weekend {in words}

First and foremost I forgot my camera

Guitar Hero was sweet enough to watch Encore for me, so that I could go to KY to visit some friends but most of all my little nephew!

There was lots and lots of eating... Red Lobster, Longhorn (yum), Dewey's pizza, and my all time favorite... GRATERS ICE CREAM (it's a Northern KY, OH thing) and no I did not care that it snowed and was below freezing the whole time. I just had to have that Ice Cream.

There was lots of cuddling, squeezing, gushing, and hoarding of my little nephew. Who also, loved blowing his Aunt NeNe kisses from across he room (stole my heart every time)

Realizing how many truly amazing people I have in my life. Aunt Beth, Brandi, Uncle Ray, Carol, Chris, Conner, Dustin just to name a few. Y'all all my visit so wonderful.

Picking up on old traditions that made me feel like I never moved away.

Discovering new places like the blind lemon that made me feel as if I was in Europe (without a doubt the neatest place I have been in america) good drinks, good convo, and good music that reminded me of Guitar Hero helped that judging though.

Taking Conner to a friends house who has a little girl about 3 months older then him and watching how they took to each other. This is the one thing that kills me that I did not have a camera for. She feed him, he shared his hat with her, she pulled him around to the point he was glued to her, and watching them play together... such a fun play date!

Having another friends daughter help me get ready in the bathroom by putting on my makeup and hair spraying my hair and then referring to me as "that women" because she could not remember my name. So cute and helpful.

Toddler dances... no better way to dance then with cute little toddlers!

Getting my hair dyed black but finally actually getting time with my brothers girlfriend, who did my hair. Love her and Loved the gift she made for me and Guitar Hero (pictures of both, hair and gift coming soon)

and last but most definitely not least, my sissy asking me to join her at the doctors so I can hear the heartbeat of my future little niece/nephew. What an amazing treat.

I wish so badly I could have captured more of all this with my camera but no use crying over it now, but believe me that will be the last time I ever forget my camera! Hope you all have had a good week or however long I have been away. So sorry for the silence around here. Me and Guitar Hero have just been busy (touring season starting back) but once we get caught up with things you will be seeing lots more. This is my journal and sometimes I just go awhile not documenting. Does not mean anything is wrong just means life is kinda busy.
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