1. Re-new passport
2. Meet Guitar hero's parents
3. Visit a new state/country
4. learn to use my antique film cameras
5. buy a pair of rain boots
6. throw a party
7. get a job
8. be happy
9. find a church
10. learn to stay in better contact with friends back home
11. read more
12. work on my children's book I'm writing
13. write a song with guitar hero
14. work on guitar hero's house (its in bad shape)
15. try a new restaurant
16. start painting again
17. take better care of my body and health
18. use my new video camera
19. ride a bike
20. fill a jar with magical thinking
21. document more of my life
22. get my license changed
23. get my pictures developed (and framed)
24. explore what Nashville (my new home) has to offer
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