Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I want to dress like a bookish girl from a victorian novel.

I am in love with the blog Urban Weeds! It's a blog dedicated to street style in Portland and from what I can tell Portland has a lot of style. Isn't the girl above just adorable? I love her quirky style and the idea of dressing like a bookish girl from a Victorian novel just sounds divine!

How would you describe your style?

Don't forget to vote on what your book club book choice is.
I will be choosing the book on wed.

Umbrella love & book club voting....

I am just loving these umbrella's that were used in this country wedding.
Where would you find something like these though?

Also, the book club is definite go!
I am so glad that you all agreed to do this with me
but now the pressure is on to find a book that everyone will want to read
and hasn't already read.

So, if the book that is chosen this month isn't something you interested in or you
have already had the pleasure in reading it please remember there is always next month.

Now that being said I am going to take a vote...
Like I said too much pressure.

the first month's choices are...

A classic - Pride and Prejudice
A new one - My sister's keeper

Don't forget there is always next month if you don't care for these and I will be taking recommendations then.

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend
can't wait to see what book will get chosen!

(image found at once wed)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

In the works... a book club!!!

In a previously post I asked a question to you all on ideas of things to do while my guitar hero is on the road. I got a lot of good feedback but one stood out to me the most. Jo from Jo knows had suggested to start my own book club. I got really excited about this idea and since I am new to Nashville and don't know a lot of people (that would do this) yet. I have decided to do a book club on my blog but first I would like to know if anyone would be interested in this? We we would do 1 book a month and at the end of the month I would post a blog where we could share our thoughts and insight on the book. The first month (July) I would pick the book but from then on I will take suggestions on following books if this goes well. I have not chosen a book yet.. I want to see if I have anyone interested in this idea if so I will post the book I have chosen sometime this following week.
Who's in?
(image found here)

Friday, June 26, 2009

I'm a dreamer!

Why can't we...

... dress like this everyday?

I would love to live in a place where women dressed in beautiful dresses everyday, and wear there hair in big curls. Where men wear button down shirts with suspenders and top hats. I would also love to live in a place where we play more and work less and where there are charming cobblestone streets that led to sweet cupcake and coffee/tea shops. Where parties are thrown every week. Where the town is surrounded by beautiful fields and open ponds where you can find yourself quietly reading a hardback book and sitting on a quilt with your loved one eating fruits you picked earlier that morning. Who is with me? lets make this place a reality!!!

I just think it's sad that we now live in a place where everything seems to be rush, rush, rush. Where kids are becoming adults before that are entering schools. Where we never take time to look at whats going on around us. As I get older I get sadder to see the world turn into a race. I want this to be a start for me to begin enjoying the littler things in life. For taking time to myself everyday. For me to try to go back to doing things like the old days. For example... actually sitting down and writing a letters to friends and family. Even if its just a Fathers day card, Birthday card, or a letter to say hi I am thinking of you. That right there is a sweeter gift then a hallmark card or e-mail and it would make me feel better. Also, maybe burning candles more in the evening then using light bulbs. It is more romantic and just gives a more warm feeling. There are just so many things I could do that would make everyday seem so much sweeter and make my life not feel so rushed to get to the finish line.

What do you think? What would you do to make your life feel sweeter and less stressed?

(Image found here)

If I could fly anywhere in the world...

... it would be to wherever you are!

Guitar hero is on the road again.
Summer is very busy for him so I get a lot of alone time.
Does anyone have any fun actives or things I could do
to keep myself busy so I don't think about him being gone as much?
What do you do when your alone?

P.S. I am also looking for soup recipes for guitar hero. I am not huge on soup so I don't know what is good and what is easy. So, if anyone one knows of any good soup recipes please send them this way. Either link it or you can e-mail me. Thanks so much.

(image found here)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I'm going to be an Aunt!

I just got exciting news that I'm going to be aunt to a baby boy!!!!

I am so excited I know he won't be here for 5 and half more months but I just can't help but get anxious of all the exciting things a new baby is going to bring. Such as...

  • When he says aunt nene for the first time (it's easier then Whitney)
  • seeing his face light up when he sees Santa Claus
  • taking him trick-or-treating
  • throwing him birthday parties
  • reading bed time stories
  • when he first rides a bike without training wheels and is so excited to tell everyone
  • cheering for him at baseball, soccer, or football games
  • watching guitar hero teach him guitar
  • watching his personality grow and becoming who he will be
  • and of course watching my sis become a mother

You would almost think I was becoming a mom but its just because he is the first baby in the family so he will definitely be spoiled!!!

Now that we know it's a boy they are working on names. They are pretty sure they agreed on the name Conner. But 5 months is still awhile away and that could change.

What baby Names do you like?

Me and guitar hero have a few we like IF we ever decided to have children
Lyric - if it's a girl
London - if it's a boy

I also like

What i'm working on...

I decided there are some things I need to work on and if I make a list

and post it here maybe it will help me actually stick with it.

  • I want to drink more water
  • take better care of skin
  • wear pretty dresses... all the time!
  • also, wear pretty and comfy pj's after reading this
  • stop using plastic bags
  • eat more organic foods
  • read more and watch t.v. less
  • also, write more
  • stay in better contact with friends
  • start doing yoga again
  • be more positive and laugh a lot!!!!

That's not too much to ask from myself... is it?!

What would you do to better yourself?

Image found here

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

hey good lookin...

One of my favorite things about guitar hero is
that he lets me do ALMOST whatever I want to style him
It's like having a life size Ken doll.
I can also give him a lot of crazy styles and looks
because in his job it's better to stand out then to blend in.
Since we both love the 50's and 60's I think
we are going with the rockabilly and Beatles look mixed together
What kind of style do you like your man to have?

I am also loving these glasses on him
sadly he doesn't wear glasses he just put these on to be funny

Are you your mother?

Lately, as I have been getting older
I have noticed I have become my mother in a lot of ways.
The constant need to re-arange furniture,
always having to bring a sweater with me no matter where I go (even in summer)
I catch myself always moving back and forth while standing
which is something my mom ALWAYS does
and then there is the obsessive cleaning...
this is when I knew I had become my mother
I use to be like every other teenager
you know the kind that is always getting yelled at for their room being to messy
then all of a sudden BAM it hits you
I am the one yelling when guitar hero leaves something out.
I guess I have finally become whatever says I would become while growing up
I am my mother.

What about you?
Are you your mother? Or are you more like your dad?
What do you do that's like your parents?

Saturday, June 20, 2009


  • Sometimes I sleep with the lights on
  • Sometimes I eat on the kitchen counter
  • Sometimes I blare the music really loud
  • Sometimes I eat junk food all day instead of cooking
  • Sometimes I stay in my pj's and don't put on makeup
  • Sometimes I will watch chick flicks non stop
  • Sometimes I will check my cell phone even if I didn't hear it ring
  • Sometimes I listen to songs that remind me of you over and over
  • Sometimes I even sleep on your side of the bed

and all the time I really wish you were home instead of gone!!

P.S. I can't wait till you return home to me tomorrow.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

CMA pictures.

Here are a few pictures
of guitar hero taken by the fans over CMA week.

(taken at the LP football field)

(taken at the block party)

(taken at the riverstage)

(taken at the fan club party)

Well, CMA week is finally over!
I had fun watching guitar hero play all week
but I must say he was more busy
this week then he is when he is on the road
so I am very happy it's over and even more happy that CMA week
is only once a year.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It's raining!

It's been raining like crazy the past few days
and as much as I love rain
and staying in bed and watching movies all day in my PJ's
I kind of want to do something else
with guitar hero before he leaves on the road again tomorrow.
Any ideas of what we can do?
(image taken at my aunts house)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A match made in Heaven.

Me and Guitar hero love each other
so much that we wear the same clothes
without even planning it.

Monday, June 15, 2009

It's like Disney World...

... except everyone is here to see MY guitar hero (and a few other country stars)
instead of the Disney hero's

Sunday, June 14, 2009


The great thing about youtube is
that even when guitar hero is gone I can always watch his shows.
This show was about a month ago
I remember that day and talking to guitar hero a lot on the phone
and missing him as always
but now thanks to some fan I can feel as if I was there.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Fan club party.

I really need to watch out for my goofy faces...
you never know who might be
taking your picture when you stand next to a guitar hero.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

we argue... but don't all couples?!

This is a very busy week for us. Family coming to town, friends coming to town, re-doing the house, and CMA week (guitar hero's busiest time of the year). So the past few days we both have been a little moody and the week hasn't even really started yet.

This is our first year together as a couple for CMA week and as much fun as it is for tourist and country music fans it's not all fun for musicians and their loved ones. There is a lot that goes into this one week of fun. A lot of preparing, practicing, and forgetting about all the other stuff around you. Being a guitar hero's girlfriend sometimes is glamorous but it comes with an ugly side too. Musicians are always having to be better at what they do, always having to network for other gigs, always having to practice, they have to live and breath music non-stop and so does the ones that love them.

As much as I look forward to seeing guitar hero play and watching all the other talent in this music city, I look forward to next week when things start to calm down and we can go back to our somewhat normal life. But for now I will try to stay strong for him because even though it's hard on me it's just as hard on him and when you love someone the way we love each other you have to support each other and work together no matter how hard it is sometimes because in the end all we really have is each others love.... and there is nothing more I could EVER want.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

mix and match.

Now that we got a new decorated kitchen
it's time to buy some new kitchen items.

I love the idea of anthropogie's mix and match
bowls and plates...
I will take one of each please.

Guitar hero will you please write
another top 5 billboard song so we can afford all these...
thanks honey!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Before and After



After weeks and weeks of trying to figure out what to do
with the kitchen we finally finished it!!!
We have been prepping and painting for two weeks
and tonight we finished...
just in time for our guest.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Gearing up for CMA week...

Guitar hero has been playing non stop! I love listening to him play, plus he has booked a few extra gigs for the CMA fest so I am getting to listen to some new music by some new artist. Let me tell you there is a lot of talent here in Nashville.

This is going to be a crazy week though...
Guitar hero has over 13 gigs to fit into 4 days plus my mom is coming in, my brother and his new girl are coming, and Guitar hero has a buddy and his family coming in to visit this week. All while we are still in the middle of painting and decorating the house. Yikes!!! I can't even begin to think of how crazy this week is going to be...

...but I promise to keep you all updated on all the exciting, behind the scenes.

Spices, flowers, and coffee... O, my!

I'm in love...
With a grocery store!
Have any of you ever been to the Fresh Market?
If you have not and you live near one of these places you need to go!
It is so beautiful in there
I actually look forward to going to the market now.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Have your cake and eat it too!

Dear Mom,

I hope you are having the most wonderful Birthday ever! I wish I could be there to celebrate with you. Me and Guitar hero miss you very much and can't wait to see you next week. I promise to make sure you have lots of fun when you visit and I might even have Guitar Hero serenade you with an Elvis song when you come. So, till then eats lots of cake and prance around like no one else matters because today is your day!

Love your daughter!

P.S. I loved, loved, loved learning about all my blog friends the past two days. Each one made me smile and realize how much I have in common with all of you. I hope everyone has a wonderful and blissful weekend.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Getting personal.

I thought today that I would share a little about me. I have been making so many new friends in this so called blog world that I thought it would be great for you to get to know me a little better and for me to get to know you a little better. So, here it goes...

  • I am one of those people who always wakes up hungry in the morning. (unless it's like 5 or 6 in the morning then I can wait a few hours) and my favorite thing to eat is usually something sweet like donuts or brownies and cold pizza from the night before (which is what I'm eating now)

  • No matter how old I get I still believe in magic, fairy tales, and big dreams. I even once auditioned to be a Disney princess (snow white in fact) but didn't get it. Sometimes I still think I might try again... but it's a little hard knowing guitar hero is in Nashville and Disney world is in FL.

  • I am one of those people who is always cold i mean ALWAYS cold so I love getting my clothes straight out of the dryer when they are really, really warm and putting them on.

  • I am in the process of writing 2 different children's book and another one that I have already finished... I hope that one day I can get them published.

  • I am an animal lover. I always want to take home every animal I see. I even wanted to get a King Kong after I saw that movie. Guitar Hero seems to think that is the sweetest yet funniest thing he has ever heard but seriously who wouldn't want there very own King Kong?!

  • I tend to get spooked VERY easily and when guitar hero is gone I always sleep with the light and t.v. on I sometimes even put in a Disney or Christmas (no matter what time a year it is) movie to keep me from getting scared.

  • I love collecting postcards which some of you might already know but I also collect department 56 houses both the Halloween and Christmas (Christmas in the city) collections. I absolutely love decorating for the holidays. This will be the first year in guitar hero's house and I already have the spot picked out where I'm putting the Christmas tree and just summer.

  • I am always buying books that I never read but they sure do look good on my bookshelves.

  • I have lived many places in my life and no I'm not an army brat but we did move for my dad's job... mostly the south (AL, TN, WV, FL, KY) you get the picture.

  • and last but not least I'm dreamer... to me there has never been a dream to big or to small.

So there you have it, a few things about me. Now it's your turn to share a little bit about yourself. who are you? what makes you happy? what do you dream about? what is it that makes you who you are? I am so curious to learn more about you.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Houses that inspire me... part 4 and 5

I am not having very good luck
on finding the set designs for the movie houses that I love
but if you have not already seen these two movies
I really think you should!
Under the Tuscan sun and the holiday
both have amazing homes in them
I love the cute little stone cottages
over looking the beautiful views.
There is something very warm, and cozy about it them.
(under the tuscan sun)

(the holiday)

(the holiday)

I'm the guest blogger for the 100th blog?

Well, my name is Tim and I'm the 'guest blogger.' I guess I'm gonna let you all know a little about myself today. First things first, this is my first time blogging. Be kind. I like to ramble so that is what my first blog is gonna consist of. I might as well stick with what I'm good at. I love Whitney and her blog. :D I'm not really a 'guitar hero' but I try to play guitar for a living. I'm not a morning person but Whitney still trys to wake-me-up. :( It's noon and it is still fairly early. I don't like talking about myself. I want a bike to take on the road. I still need more guitars and amps. I love how Whitney is painting and deorating the house. I rarely know what day it is. I still don't know what I wanna be when I grow-up. I'm not sure about Whitney having a big dog in a small house but I like the idea of kittens. Well, that's all I can think of for now. It's still early. Have a great day. I have to go do 'guitar hero' stuff. ;) Tim

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Houses that inspire me... part 3. Plus very exciting news...

I love Kathleen Kelly's (Meg Ryan's) charming apartment
in the movie you've got mail.
It has such a homey, romantic feel about it.
Don't you agree?
The old wood and rustic tables in every room,
with books and fresh flowers every where you look.
It's definitely an apartment I could live in.
Not to mention her adorable little bookstore.
Who wouldn't want to own
a little shop around the corner?
I would want everything about this movie
that's why it makes it on my list for houses that inspire me
(even though it was more then just the house in this movie)

Now for the exciting news...
This post will be my 99th post which makes my next one the 100th
and I decided to have a guest blogger.

Guess who it is....



... if you guessed guitar hero then your right!
he will be writing the next post for tomorrow.
I am so anxious to see what it's about.
so, be sure to come back tomorrow.

Houses that inspire me... part 2

I love Milly (Mandy Moore's) Loft
in the movie because I said so.
The urban, hip, open feel in it is amazing
Sadly, I could not find any real good pictures
from this movie but I did find
another blogger who felt the same way about the set design
along with many other houses that she loves
so be sure to check her out here
Not only does she blog out these great set designs
she helps you re-create them for yourself
(just like the pictures below)

P.S. not only was this movie lovable because of the great
set design, costumes, and cakes...but because she ended up
with the guitar player in the end. Yay for the guitar player!!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Houses that inspire me.

I decided to dedicate a week to all the
movie houses that inspire me
in decorating me and guitar heros house

Starting with the Practical Magic house.
This has to be one of my favorite
houses (and movies) not only is the house beautiful
but where the house sits on a cliff over looking the ocean,
the beautiful small town around it,
even Sally's (Sandra Bullock's) little shop
is so charming.

The thing that amazes me most about this house
is that it was built just for the movie
and after filming Warner Brothers
tried to sale the home but had no buyers
and since it was built on a park land for the movie
they tore it down... so sad.

If you have not seen the movie practical magic
I highly recommend that you do
because if you ask me there is
nothing wrong with eating brownies for breakfast,
dancing under a full moon, midnight margaritas and
sipping tea in the afternoon while playing board games.

p.s. guitar hero has also agreed that we can adopt two baby kittens and
being that this movie has lots of little kittens running around in it
I thought I would share this exciting news.

(All images were found here)
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